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Rewind Becomes Limitless: Launches a $99 Wearable for Capturing Daily Interactions

Remember Rewind? They've recently rebranded to Limitless and just launched an intriguing new product—a wearable device priced at $99 that logs everything you say, see, or hear throughout the day. It's designed to help you recall conversations, like doctor's advice or reminders you gave yourself.

Limitless describes this pendant as a tool for improving recall without the hassle of taking manual notes, particularly useful in meetings or daily interactions. The device is equipped with encryption to ensure privacy, and lights up to indicate when it's recording.

What sets it apart is its seamless integration with other platforms—it's compatible with macOS, Windows, and offers a web app too. No subscription is required to use the basic features, which includes 10 hours per month of AI-assisted memory recall.

Given its features and price point, it seems positioned as a practical tool for professionals and anyone interested in enhancing their memory and organizational skills.

Here’s a link to their demo on YouTube:

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