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Damon Who
Damon Who

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Deep Live Cam Setup Tutorial

Deep Live Cam is a project for creating real-time face swaps and one-click video deepfakes using a single image. This tutorial will guide you through the installation and basic usage.


  • Python (3.10 recommended)
  • pip
  • git
  • FFmpeg
  • Visual Studio 2022 runtimes (for Windows users)


Step 1: Clone the Repository

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Run the following command: git clone
  3. Navigate to the cloned directory: cd Deep-Live-Cam

Step 2: Download Required Models

  1. Visit the project's Hugging Face page.
  2. Download the following models:
  3. GFPGANv1.4
  4. inswapper_128_fp16.onnx
  5. Place these files in the models folder of the cloned repository.

Step 3: Install Dependencies

  1. Install the required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: GPU Acceleration Setup (Optional)


  1. Install CUDA Toolkit 11.8
  2. Install additional dependencies: pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-gpu pip install onnxruntime-gpu==1.16.3

For Apple Silicon:

  1. Install CoreML dependencies: pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-silicon pip install onnxruntime-silicon==1.13.1

For Windows DirectML:

  1. Install DirectML dependencies: pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-directml pip install onnxruntime-directml==1.15.1

For Intel OpenVINO:

  1. Install OpenVINO dependencies: pip uninstall onnxruntime onnxruntime-openvino pip install onnxruntime-openvino==1.15.0


Basic Usage

Run the application with:

GPU-Accelerated Usage


python --execution-provider cuda

For Apple Silicon:

python --execution-provider coreml

For Windows DirectML:

python --execution-provider directml

For Intel OpenVINO:

python --execution-provider openvino


  1. Select a face image using the "Choose Face" button.
  2. For live webcam mode:
    • Click "Live" to use your webcam feed.
  3. For video processing:
    • Select a target video using the "Choose Target" button.
    • Click "Start" to begin processing.

Additional Options

  • Face Enhancer: Improves output quality (may slow down processing)
  • Many Faces: Processes every face in the frame
  • Keep FPS: Maintains original video frame rate
  • Keep Audio: Preserves original audio

Command Line Arguments

For advanced usage, you can use the following command line arguments:

  • -s, --source: Select source image
  • -t, --target: Select target image or video
  • -o, --output: Specify output file or directory
  • --frame-processor: Choose frame processors
  • --keep-fps: Keep original FPS
  • --keep-audio: Keep original audio
  • --many-faces: Process every face
  • --video-encoder: Adjust output video encoder
  • --video-quality: Adjust output video quality
  • --max-memory: Set maximum RAM usage
  • --execution-threads: Set number of execution threads


  • Processing speed depends on your hardware. GPU acceleration significantly improves performance.
  • For live webcam mode, ensure your webcam is properly connected and recognized by your system.
  • Always use this software responsibly and ethically.

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